Class descriptions


Our barre classes are set to upbeat music and include both cardio and resistance training for a complete workout. By using smaller movements, we work the muscles to the max but don’t stress the joints. And we incorporate large, fast-paced, whole body movements to improve cardiovascular fitness and burn more calories.

Barre Sculpt

Barre Sculpt is a 40 minute full body workout. We’ll move slowly and intentionally with heavier weights than our usual barre classes, of course, you get to decide which weights work for your body. You’ll recognize barre exercises you know and love, but we will also incorporate new movements to challenge you. Space is limited in these classes to ensure that you receive the attention you need to have a safe and enjoyable workout. While not a cardio workout, you will sweat, and see improvements to your metabolism by building more muscle mass

Yoga Flow

Our yoga flow classes are suitable for all levels, from beginners to advanced. You’ll enjoy improved strength and fitness and maximal stress relief at the same time.

Yoga Sculpt

Yoga sculpt is a flow class that incorporates weights to challenge the upper and lower body. Sometimes this may look like doing bicep curls in a warrior two or adding weights to the hips for a bridge. You’ll always be welcome to make this practice your own by moving with your breath and honoring your body’s needs. Class always begins with breathwork and ends with a blissful savasana

Seasonal Restorative Yoga

Rest your body and mind in our restorative class. Great for anyone who loves to challenge their fitness, this class gives you the opportunity to slow down and let your body rest so that you can perform at your best. Offered during the winter and for private group sessions.